When You Look Good You Feel Good






You’re here because you want to feel differently in your next season of life. Whether you are experiencing burnout and stress in your day to day life, feeling depleted, in chronic pain, feeling heaviness in the body, worn down, unwell, operating on survival mode, unmotivated, or “blah”, you know there is a different way. In short, you know your current way of doing things is not working. You need a deeply nourishing energy shift.

Through somatic coaching and holistic somatic facials, I work with you to provide an energetic reset to aid you in your next chapter, a healthier, happier and more nourishing chapter. Working together, we can help you to feel relaxed, safe, confident, fulfilled, and vibrant in your body, mind, heart and spirit.

Somatic coaching addresses physical symptoms by focusing on the connection between the mind and body. Techniques such as grounding exercises, body awareness, and breathing exercises (as well as a variety of other somatic tools and techniques!) can help regulate the body’s stress response and alleviate physical symptoms. Somatic work has also been proven to promote relaxation and thus reduce muscle contraction and lessen pain.


The Benefits:

  • Calm and relax the mind, body, and spirit to feel a sense of clarity, peace, rejuvenation, restoration and replenishment 

  • Tap into a flow and embodied state which allows you to align with your goals and dreams and truly feel like it is within your reach

  • Help reduce chronic pain by calming down your body’s physiology via somatic work and restorative somatic facials

  • Help clear and release stuck negative emotions, tension and stress within the body that negatively affects a client’s physical and emotional wellbeing, through somatic sessions

  • Provide you with an energetic shift that will motivate and inspire you to make and create change that is closer to the life you are dreaming of

  • Stress relief and tools to integrate for lasting and ongoing improved health and well-being


Holistic Somatic Facial

INVESTMENT: $150 (introductory cost)

An integrative and deeply nourishing experience to provide you with relief and nourishment in your body, mind, spirit and skin.


  • 90 minute session incorporating somatic work into a holistic facial experience

  • Intake/assessment form to get clear on your challenges/roadblocks and areas of stress/tension in your body, mind, spirit and skin

  • Feedback from session and next steps to support you in your journey

*Available in Austin, Texas



INVESTMENT: $299 (introductory cost)

A virtual somatic coaching experience to provide immediate relief with symptoms in your body mind heart and spirit and help relieve stress and stuck negative emotions for improved wellbeing and happiness.


  • 2-3 hour virtual session 

  • Intake/assessment form to get a general picture of your wellbeing and where you are experiencing symptoms in your body mind heart and spirit.

  • Initial coaching session including somatic work and relief

  • Follow up Coaching session including somatic work and relief and co-create a somatic care plan and holistic custom plan delivered after the session

  • 30-day support via email/text after the reset




FOLLOW UP SOMATIC SESSIONS (in person or virtual)

  • 60 minute follow up somatic sessions

INTRODUCTORY COST $149 (starting out)




The Dating Reset is a 2-month intensive holistic program that combines coaching and healing somatic facials (if local to Austin) to shift your energy in your mind, body, heart and spirit so that you are in an energetic state to finally meet your romantic person, without depending on the dating apps. Together, we will work to uncover what your dating roadblocks, beliefs and patterns are, and use various tools (including somatic techniques) and coaching to release the thought patterns and behaviors that are no longer serving you in your pursuit of a romantic relationship. 

The Dating Reset is meant to:

  • Calm and relax the mind, body, heart and spirit to feel a sense of clarity, peace, rejuvenation, restoration and replenishment - essentially hitting the reset button on your dating life

  • Tap into a flow and embodied state which allows you to get clarity on who you want to attract into your life, romantically 

  • Identify your dating patterns, beliefs and behaviors and how to create new neural pathways to create different patterns, beliefs and behaviors to move you into the relationship that you actually want

  • Release blocked negative emotions, tension and stress in the body and mind through somatic work

  • Help process, clear and release stuck negative emotions and stress within the body that has resulted in your dating life and experiences

  • Restore your belief that meeting and dating your person is possible for you and GET you in an energetic state to get there

  • Cleanse and reset your dating energy and ultimately, get you to a place that will ultimately lead you to attract and date your ideal romantic person - and the belief that it possible for your (if that is what your heart desires)

  • Provide support and accountability as you hit the reset button on your dating life and try new tools and techniques to pursue your dating goals (whether that’s learning to date more intentionally, rewiring your subconscious beliefs, feel more optimistic about meeting your person, getting outside of your comfort zone, or actually meeting someone - I am great at pushing people outside of their comfort zones and helping them through feelings of fear, anxiety, self-consciousness, rejection, etc)

Past clients have seen: more optimism in their dating life, confidence in dating more intentionally, meeting and dating romantic partners they hadn’t believed was possible for them before, and more self-confidence, self-love and trust in themselves.


  • The Breakdown:

    • 6 modules delivered to you upon purchase of the program

      • Module 1: Getting Clear On What You Want and Being Your Authentic Self and Expressing Your Desires and Wants Openly 

      • Module 2: Building Your Confidence and Personal Foundation so that dating doesn’t take such an energetic toll on  your life

      • Module 3: Creating a Life You Love 

      • Module 4: How To Take Care Of Yourself and Manage Your Anxiety Through Life and Datings Ups and Downs (so it doesn’t derail your self-esteem, self-worth, and day-to-day life) 

      • Module 5: Getting Outside Of Your Comfort Zone and Getting Creative With Meeting People Authentically, including Romantic Prospects 

      • Module 6: Building A Community and Continued Support On your Dating Journey: You’re in this for the long haul 

    • Tw0 60-minute coaching sessions ($300 value)

    • A customized dating and somatic care plan tailored to your individual circumstances and dating goals, including activities and events tailored to your interests designed to get you outside of your comfort zone and meet your ideal romantic person ($150 value)

    • Two 90-minute healing and restorative holistic somatic facials to restore balance and calm within yourself and to give your skin and spirit the rejuvenation and refresh it deserves ($300 value)

    • Unlimited chat/text support throughout the two months ($500 value)

    • Affirmations and reframing exercises to rewire your subconscious, mindset work, and nervous system and self-care support tools to unblock all the patterns and behaviors that have held you back in the past - we are digging deep! ($100 value)

      Total Value: $2,000 

Note: If you are not located in the Austin or surrounding areas and want to do a dating reset, we can remove the healing somatic facials and reduce the pricing. Contact me for additional details


 Frequently Asked Questions


What is a somatic practitioner and what exactly can you help me with?


I totally get it! Somatics seems to be a buzzword in the wellness industry recently. Basically somatics relates to the body. According to the IWA, everything that shows up in the physical body is feedback. The body is always talking to us, it is our job to learn to listen, honor and respond. Somatization is the name used when emotional distress is expressed by physical symptoms. As an Integrative Somatic Practitioner, I am trained to help people more effectively deal with stress, anxiety, depression and trauma through effective tools and techniques that empower individuals to increase their capacity for stressors, process and release stuck stress and trauma and even better understand and re-write the neural pathways (behavior patterns) that have developed as a result of current and past stuck emotions. Some common issues that people seek a somatic practitioner for include: feelings of being disconnected from their best life scenario, feeling of helplessness, stuck negative emotions, fears, resentments, and overwhelm/burnt out.

I also see a lot of clients who want to maintain and optimize their health and wellbeing (preventative healthcare/wellness maintenance is what I call it), as our health and happiness is invaluable. Clients book sessions with me periodically for ongoing good health and wellbeing, so that we can resolve issues and provide stress relief before it becomes chronic.


I'm not sure which program is right for me. Can you help me decide?


Absolutely! Depending on your goals, symptoms, roadblocks/challenges, and location, I can recommend the most effective program for you. Please get in touch via my contact form and I will be happy chat with you.


Do you offer virtual programs?


Yes. Somatic coaching can be done in person or virtually.


Why work with me?

As a Licensed Esthetician and Certified Integrative Somatic Practitioner, I can help you to create safety in the nervous system and reduce the time the nervous system is in fear, stress, or overwhelm, thereby releasing the emotional burdens from your body that is keeping you stuck, overwhelmed and/or in pain. Your body and nervous system holds a lot of trapped emotions that are stored in your cellular imprints, which is directly connected to the symptoms you are experiencing. Through releasing these emotions through somatic work (and other modalities), your physical symptoms will improve when the emotional burdens are healed and released. 

As a Licensed Esthetician, I have the tools to improve your skin health as well as help you to relax and feel good - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I love to support my clients in achieving their ideal skin through a holistic approach that includes enjoyable daily rituals that lead to a healthy life. Resilient, radiant skin is a reflection of your inner health, and through our time together, we will work to get your skin to a place of resiliency and radiance.

I’m the only provider I know that combines somatic work into holistic facials with my Holistic Somatic Facial offering. This approach combines the benefits of both somatic work with the benefits of receiving a restorative facial for a truly nourishing and transformative experience.


I’ve tried everything else (dating apps, speed dating, etc) and that hasn’t worked. What makes your Dating Reset program different and how will I know if it will work for me?

Can you explain more about “that hasn’t worked.” I find that too often, when women come to me and tell me that it just hasn’t worked, they haven’t dived deeper into theirselves to understand their dating patterns and experiences and what they truly want in their life and in a partner. I truly believe that every dating situation (even if it only lasted 1-2 dates) and every relationship gives us so much valuable lessons and insights about ourselves. Maybe that relationship didn’t work because it wasn’t the right relationship for you at that time. This program serves as a way for you to dive deep into yourself and your dating experiences, to rewire dating beliefs and patterns that do not serve you, and build such a strong foundation in yourself that you know exactly what you want in a relationship (and in that sense, maybe that is why everything else hasn’t worked previously).

Will I meet someone in the Dating Reset program?

If you commit to this program, and especially the activities that I encourage you to do consistently, you will absolutely meet someone in this program. I can’t guarantee that you’ll meet your ideal romantic partner by the end of this program, but I can guarantee that by doing the work throughout this program, you absolutely will meet your ideal romantic partner. I believe that in you, and this program will help you to believe that yourself.

What made you get into this line of work?

Through my own healing and health journey! Years ago, I was so stressed at my corporate job and learned about facials. Once I got one, I was hooked. It was the only way that I could truly relax. I went on to Esthiology school and received my Esthetician License years after. It’s truly one of the best accomplishments of my life as I love being an Esthetician.

About 3 years ago, I was going through chronic health issues that severely impacted my quality of life. I would not want to get up in the morning or do things that I once loved because I was scared of being unwell in public. I started to experience a lot of fear, worry, anxiety and had my first panic attack. During that time, I sought out various health practitioners, including working with a somatic coach, and I slowly started to heal and get better. Somatic work truly helped me as I’m someone who is in my mind a lot. Somatic work allowed me to release and relieve the tension in my body and that allowed my mind to become relaxed as well, over time.

Nowadays, I have the tools needed to weather the storms of life, including health issues and pain. I can live my life fully, pursue my dreams, and experience the range of human emotions and experiences and I’ve never felt happier, healthier, and more alive.

This is why I decided to pursue my certification in somatic coaching to become an Integrative Somatic Practitioner. I want to help others to heal because I believe it is possible, especially if you utilize an inside out, holistic, mind-body-heart-spirit approach.